
She made it home.

 We were all so excited to have Jade home with us.  It was so nice to have family meet her at the airport with us.  You can tell by the look on her face that she was so excited to meet Luke for the first time. So much fun 

Week 71 back to the beach for the finish

 Jade was transfered back to the beach to finish off her mission.  She is having lots of fun and glad it is not so hot. She had her last zone confrence so she had lots of pic taken with all of her companions and Elders. Her comp dropped all the cookies on the floor. Her 18 months was on the 18th of Dec so she made them all a treat. She had a wonderful Christmas and had a fun new years with her favorite family in el kisko. A tradition they have is you light a match and tell all of your wishes for the year before the match goes out.  Lots of fun. 

Week 70 Dec 18 At the beach

 Jade had a good week. She was able to go back to her first area and go see Daniel.  She had fun showing her comps the beach and had a good time. She forgot how much she loved it there.  She is having fun in her new area and loves the comps she is with.  She will be transfered just before christmas so hoping she knows the area and has good last comps. She is contining to work hard and have fun.